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新西兰社会学代写 印度教育

印度的公立学校缺勤的教师太多。在这种情况下,如果教师在正常工作时间内无法在学校找到他/她,他/她就被视为缺勤,不包括兼职教师或志愿者教师。量化指标 “太多 “指的是 Chaudhury 等人(2006)的研究结果,即在对印度各地约 3000 所政府管理和资助的学校进行的三次突击访问中,发现有 25%的教师不在学校。与其他四个中低收入国家[1]–与孟加拉国接壤的国家(16%)、厄瓜多尔(14%)、印度尼西亚(19%)和秘鲁(11%)–通过同样的方法和研究测算出的教师缺勤率相比,25%这个数字也具有很高的特点(Chaudhury等人,2006;世界银行2018)。为了与高收入国家的这一比率进行比较,美国国家教师质量委员会(NCTQ)发现,美国最大的40个大都会地区的教师在94%的时间内都在上班(NCTQ,2014)。我分析印度这一严重问题的目的是降低教师缺勤率,明确的目标是按照Chaudhury等人的方法,通过全国范围内的随机调查,到2022年将政府学校的教师缺勤率从25%降低到13%(首先,我从这个问题如何影响不同的利益相关者群体的角度来讨论教师高缺勤率的后果是什么。 受教师高缺勤率影响的一个非常重要的群体是学生。经验证据表明,教师高缺勤率对学生的成绩有负面影响。Kremer等人(2005)在印度的研究表明,教师缺勤率增加10%,学生出勤率就会下降1.8%,四年级学生的考试成绩就会下降0.02个标准差。Das等(2004)在赞比亚的研究表明,教师缺勤率增加5%,英语和数学一学年的平均成绩就会减少4%~8%的学习。Ehrenberg、Ehrenberg、Rees和Ehrenberg(1991)的一篇基础性论文发现,当普通教师缺勤时,学习程度降低,学生上学的积极性也会下降,学生的学习成绩可能受到影响。

新西兰社会学代写 印度教育

Too many teachers are absent from government schools in India. In this context, the teacher is considered absent if he/she could not be found in the school during regular working hours and excludes part-time or volunteer teachers. The quantifier ‘too many’ refers to the findings by Chaudhury et al. (2006) that 25 percent of teachers were found to be absent from their schools during three, unannounced visits to about 3000 government run and financed schools across India. The 25 percent figure is also characterized as high in comparison to the absence rates of teachers, measured through the same methodology and study in four other lower and upper middle-income countries[1] – in bordering Bangladesh (16 percent), Ecuador (14 percent), Indonesia (19 percent), and Peru (11 percent) (Chaudhury et al. 2006; World Bank 2018). For comparison to what this rate looks like in a high-income country, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) found that teachers in 40 of the United States’ largest metropolitan areas were present for work 94 percent of the time (NCTQ, 2014). The goal of my analysis of this serious problem in India is to reduce teacher absenteeism rates, with the explicit objective of reducing the percentage of teachers absent in government schools from 25 percent to 13 percent by 2022, as measured through a nationwide random survey, following the methodology from Chaudhury et al. First, I address what the consequences of high teacher absence rates are, in terms of how this problem affects different groups of stakeholders. A very important group affected by high teacher absenteeism rates is students. Empirical evidence suggests that high rates of teacher absence has a negative impact on student outcomes. Kremer et al., (2005) demonstrated in India, that a 10 percent increase in teacher absence was associated with a 1.8 percent decrease in student attendance, and a 0.02 standard deviation decline in test scores of fourth grade students. Das et al. (2004) showed in Zambia that a 5 percent increase in teacher absentee rates reduced learning by 4 to 8 percent of average gains over the academic year in English and mathematics. A foundational paper by Ehrenberg, Ehrenberg, Rees and Ehrenberg (1991) found that to the extent that less learning occurs when regular teachers are absent, student motivation to attend school also falls, and student academic performance may suffer.

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新西兰教育学作业代写 标准化考试


新西兰教育学作业代写 标准化考试

From the outside looking in, parents play a big role in recognizing the negative effects that come along with standardized testing. Parents often look at testing as a way to create school rankings, rather than portraying their child’s originality. These tests are seen as a just a “one-size-fits-all” assessment by parents, allowing them to see their child’s progress and areas of improvement, but not actually portraying their achievement (Bermudez). In a study performed by the Education Post, the results from the question “Are standardized tests fair?” came back with answers almost divided completely in half with some leaning towards yes and some leaning towards no. Overall though, forty nine percent of parents decided that their children are being required to take too many tests, ultimately taking away from other things that go on in their daily lives (Camera). Students often bring home the stress that is put on them at school, thus causing their parents additional issues to handle. They see first-hand how overwhelmed their children are, usually causing more pressure to be put on them to help their child succeed. This pressure often puts further stress not only on the children, but on the other members of the family as well.On the other hand, there are many people, particularly school and government officials, that believe standardized testing is a positive thing. The biggest reason behind this belief is that standardized tests are a measure of effectiveness (Phelps). Teachers can see which areas their students struggle in, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, parents can determine the quality of education their child is receiving, and school leaders can determine which subjects need more attention, all based off of the overall scores made. One of the biggest advocates of standardized testing is the No Child Left Behind act written under the leadership of George W. Bush in the year 2002. The act ultimately holds schools accountable for student learning outcomes through the use of adequate yearly progress. When forming the act, the idea behind it was that progress from state to state could easily be compared. There was a level playing field for everyone, allowing a fair assessment of student success from all over the United States. It also was a promise made to close the long-standing achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students in the United States by using the results from standardized testing

新西兰社会学作业代写 WIC计划


新西兰社会学作业代写 WIC计划

SNAP users could always argue with the ideas of change in the program. Not every person who uses SNAP abuses it in any way. Some may even think the program is perfectly fine the way it is. No one is always going to agree with everyone else in the room. Everyone has their own opinions about SNAP and WIC. The average American family that has two adults, who work 40 plus hours a week, still struggle. In 2017, out of the 325.7 million people in The United States of America, 12.3 percent was living in poverty. Some people may even think that a new version of WIC, would not be able to supply their families needs to the fullest. The program will vary, depending on the number of family members. The WIC program will make sure to keep every stomach full. A large group of people that are on SNAP does not want to make more money because they will no longer receive their benefits. When a family is indeed in need, they should not complain about the program changing. The reason why the system got made was to help low-income families in need. It would be better and easier to extend the WIC program, than trying to better the SNAP program. The new version of WIC will still follow that idea, with less of a chance of abuse.There is no such thing as making everyone happy. No matter what happens, someone out there is going to be deeply upset. People work their lives away to provide for their families and still barely get by without government help. Then there are people out there who refuse to work because they do not want to lose their extra government income. Part of being an American is helping out a neighbor when they are in need. Then again, it seems like some neighbors are taking the free advice and turning around and selling the advice to someone else. There seems always to be a way around everything. The stricter the system gets, the harder it would be to abuse it. The SNAP program should be dropped and replaced with a new, extended version of the WIC program. The goal is not to upset people, but stop abuse and the way people are getting judged.

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新西兰宗教学作业代写 清教徒

如前所述,清教徒的宗教信仰围绕着上帝的善良和魔鬼的邪恶。塞勒姆明斯特牧师Deodat Lawson这样描述魔鬼:“不知疲倦且毫不妥协,他会不择手段地实现自己的目标。”撒旦的超能力使他可以直接攻击人,也可以通过内爆一些人类或其他生物来攻击人。不管神如何控制,魔鬼仍然有能力控制人类,因为人类对他的诱惑很脆弱。魔鬼与罪联系在一起,任何带来幸福或快乐的东西都被视为向他屈服。他们的目标是过一种没有罪恶的纯洁生活,“那些被指控为女巫的人会激发出与自由、多样性、性和敌意相关的情感,这些情感是清教徒竭力压制的。”这源于一种说法,据说女巫将自己的灵魂卖给了撒旦,并在他的书中写道,以换取魔法和力量。劳森指出,”与女巫订立契约,他们将成为他秘密影响和折磨他人身心的工具”魔鬼有能力把自己伪装成女巫的样子。巫术违背了清教的所有习俗任何被指控为女巫的人都会受到神的惩罚也就是上帝的愤怒。人们相信女巫会施白魔法和黑魔法。白色魔法更多的是基于预言未来或通过不同的物品获得好运,而黑色魔法的目的是为了伤害或谋杀。白色魔法似乎是无害的,是青少年无聊的流行联想,尽管这仍然是被认为是女巫的理由,因为魔法来自魔鬼。

新西兰宗教学作业代写 清教徒

As mentioned before, the Puritan religion revolves around the good nature of God and the wickedness of the Devil. Reverend Deodat Lawson, a minster of Salem, describes the Devil as “both indefatigable and implacable, would use whatever means he could to advance his aims. Satan’s extraordinary powers allowed him to attack people either directly or by imploying some of mankind or other creatures”.[3] Regardless of Gods control, the Devil still had the ability to control people as they were weak to his temptations. The Devil was associated with sin and anything that brought happiness or pleasure was viewed as giving into him. It was their goal to live a pure life free from sin and, “those accused of being witches elicited feelings linked with freedom, diversity, sexuality and hostility, feelings the Puritans were at great pains to suppress”.This stems from the idea that witches were said to sell their souls to Satan and write in his book for the exchange for magic and powers. Lawson states that, “Contracting with witches they shall be the instruments by whom he may secretly affect and afflict the bodies and minds of others”.The Devil had the ability to take masks himself within a person in the form of a witch. Witchcraft went against all practices within the Puritan’s religion and any individual who was accused of being a witch was subjected to divine punishment which was also known as God’s wrath. Witches were believed to have practiced white and black magic. White magic was based more on telling the future or receiving good luck through different items, and black magic was used with the intentions of harm or murder. White magic seemed to be harmless and was a popular association with teenage boredom although this was still grounds for being considered a witch as magic came from the devil.

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新西兰作业代写 好撒玛利亚会


新西兰作业代写 好撒玛利亚会

The Good Samaritan Societies mission is to share God’s love in word and deed by giving shelter, services to older people and others in need. This facility treats every patient with respect, dignity and compassion. This facility has forty-six total beds and three to four aides to help with care on each shift. Pressure ulcers relate to the mission, values in the fact that they want to prevent them and heal ulcers that are present with new admissions. They are giving shelter and helping those that come to them. Looking at the facility and how they interact with their patients, they take appropriate measure to heal and prevent pressure ulcers and that fulfills their mission statement. This facility does not have a specialized wound nurse yet but have someone being trained to ensure positive outcomes for their patients. Stated earlier they use repositioning air mattresses to help decrease the incidence of pressure ulcers in their patient population. This is one aspect of the holistic care and how this organization is providing care to cure the whole person, not just one aspect. When a resident refuse’s to be repositioned, the staff will respect the patient’s right to refuse, but will re-approach patient in a little while after. Nurses at this facility check and follow up with the CNA’s to make sure that repositioning is occurring at appropriate times and charting is done to reflect the reposition. This is very important in the healing and prevention of pressure ulcers. The staff has a briefing before every shift to collaborate on the best plan of care for each resident.The fourth quarter review of this year manifested that no pressure ulcer in the long-term care had gotten worse or any resident develop a new pressure ulcer. Every bed in the facility has an air mattress on it, that is the standard for this facility. One resident had a pressure ulcer which was manifested before admission. Reflecting on the fourth quarter review, it is apparent that this facility is backing up its mission statement and taking very good care of their residents.

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新西兰社会学作业代写 语言和实用主义

语言和实用主义一直是一个很有趣的领域中,一些学者和语言学家已经开发他们的语言理论,然而,这些语言理论的研究并不完美,和这些理论有不同的解读来分析或者调查一些文本,对话或副本。这些语言学理论是为了理解对话或文本的语境和背景而发展起来的,帮助我们理解说话者提供了什么样的信息,听者接受了什么样的信息,说话者的意图是什么。一些语言学家发展了他们的理论来证明语言的复杂性。在这篇论文中,我将在一个叫QI(很有趣)的电视节目中关注幽默资源的开发和创造。整个转录的片段,一些语言学理论描述的文本,这就是我要分析,关注格赖斯的合作原则和不遵守他的格言,此外,我将介绍不同的解释其他语言学家如g·利兹和j·托马斯,为了证明不遵守这些格言是如何创造讽刺和幽默的资源以及这种不遵守Gricean格言在喜剧节目中产生的影响,比如很有趣。有趣的是,这部2003年开播的电视剧,由John Lloyd制作,Stephen Fry主持,直到2016年,他出来后,被Sandi Toksvig取代。节目的主要目标是获得尽可能多的分数,以获得胜利,然而,在节目中,有一些变量可以获得更多的分数,如答案的原创性或创造性。评审团的获胜者将能够参加下一场比赛。这档电视节目最重要的特点之一就是大量的幽默作家的出现,这意味着讽刺、反讽、反讽、反讽等语言元素的真正运用,赋予了这档节目很大的语言特色。这档电视节目就是一个明显的例子,说明了格赖斯的准则是如何被动摇或违背的,以及如何通过这种方式创造出喜剧电视节目。

新西兰社会学作业代写 语言和实用主义

Language and pragmatic have always been a really interesting field in which some scholars and linguists have been developed their theories about language, however, the study of these linguistic theories is not perfect, and these theories have different interpretations in order to analyse or investigate some texts, dialogues or transcriptions. These linguistic theories are developed to comprehend the contexts and the background of a conversation or a text, helping us to understand what kind of information is given by the speaker or received by the hearer, and what is the intention of the speaker. Some linguists have developed their theories in order to demonstrate the complexity of language. In this paper, I am going to focus on the development and creation of humoristic resources in one television show called QI (Quite Interesting). Throughout the transcription of this fragment, some linguistic theories are portrayed in the text, and that is what I am going to analyse, focusing on Grice’s Cooperative Principle and the Non-observance of his maxims, in addition, I am going to introduce different interpretations of other linguists such as G. Leeds or J. Thomas, in order to demonstrate how the Non-observance of these maxims creates satirical and humoristic resources and the impact that this Non-Observance of Gricean Maxims has in a comedy show like Quite Interesting. About Quite Interesting, is a TV show that started in 2003, produced by John Lloyd and presented by Stephen Fry until 2016, after he’s out, was replaced by Sandi Toksvig. The main goal of the show is getting as more points as possible in order to obtain the victory, however, in the show, there are certain variables to obtain more points, such as the originality of the answer or the creativity. The winner of the panel will be able to participate in the next show. One of the most important characteristics of this TV show is the presence of a big number of humourists, what implies a real use of language elements such as irony, rhetorical questions or sarcasm, giving to the program a big language peculiarity. This TV show is a clear example of the fluctuation or violation of Grice’s Maxims and how through this is possible to create a comedy TV show.

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新西兰教育学作业代写 留学生

近年来,世界各地大学的国际学生数量显著增加,学习群体也越来越多样化。多样性可以促进群体中创造性和创新性结果的观点被广泛接受。(奥斯丁,1997;Bantel & Jackson, 1989;McLeod, Lobel & Cox 1996)。研究表明,跨文化群体的思维过程可以通过几种不同的方式表现出来,包括所提供的观点和选择的数量,以及成员之间共享独特信息的程度。然而,作为一个多元化团队的一员,如何应对文化差异和不同的沟通方式成为最大的挑战之一。多样性,因此,似乎是一把双刃剑,增加创造力的机会以及分组成员将不满意的可能性和无法认同集团来自不同文化背景的人用不同的方式查看和了解世界,和这些差异的同化成一个多元化的集团可能会使他们采取一种方法,让他们看不同的观点并生成替代解决手头的问题。Hofstede将文化描述为大脑的集体编程,它将一个群体或类别的人与其他群体或类别的人区别开来。他的理论旨在解释文化差异通过六(6)维度:权力距离,个人与集体主义,男性化与女性化,不确定性规避,短期与长期,和放纵诉克制,试图解释不同的通信在不同团队使用IBM在1970年代进行的一项调查显示,与其他调查后补充。

新西兰教育学作业代写 留学生

In recent years, the number of international students in universities across the world has significantly increased, giving rise to more and more diverse study groups. The idea that diversity can promote creative and innovative outcomes in groups is widely accepted. (Austin, 1997; Bantel & Jackson, 1989; McLeod, Lobel & Cox 1996). Research has shown that the thinking process of inter-cultural groups is demonstrated in several different ways, including the number of perspectives and alternatives offered and the degree to which members share uniquely held information. Nevertheless, navigating through cultural differences and different styles of communication becomes one of the biggest challenges as a member of a diverse team. Diversity, thus, appears to be a double-edged sword, increasing the opportunity for creativity as well as the likelihood that grouped members will be dissatisfied and fail to identify with the group People from different cultures view and understand the world in different ways, and the assimilation of these differences into a diverse group might make them adopt an approach that allows them to look at different perspectives and generate alternative solutions to the problem at hand. Hofstede describes culture as the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from the others . His theory aims at explaining cultural differences through six (6) dimensions: power distance, individual v. collectivism, masculinity v. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, short-term v. long-term, and indulgence v. restraint, that attempt to explain differences in communications in diverse teams using a survey conducted by IBM in the 1970’s, and with other surveys that later supplemented it.

奥克兰护理作业代写 人种待遇


奥克兰护理作业代写 人种待遇

Minorities usually do not receive the same treatment as their white counterparts. Americans have the rights to be treated equally and fairly and not be judged nor discriminated because of their backgrounds or race. As healthcare providers, reflecting on our own personal biases, being empathetic and treating patients according to their needs is paramount to their care and outcomes. The evolving roles of advanced practice nurses are becoming intertwined with the growing populace. Therefore, discrimination hinders equal treatment of patients and as nurses, we must continue to provide the human touch that is needed so as to prevent health deterioration. “Research has shown that even when racial/ethnic minorities are insured at levels comparable with non-Hispanic Whites, they tend to receive a lower quality of service for the same condition” There are various options in resolving this issue. We as nurses must start from the grass root by advocating first at a local level. We can present the need for more advanced high-technology usage, evidence-based drug treatment centres that will provide comprehensive treatments that are specially located in the poverty-stricken communities. This can be achieved if the nurses join community boards, form nurses forums, the cohort with the board of the local health institutions and write letters to local legislatures. These create avenues for APNs to become better advocators in their roles especially when it comes to the vulnerable. Another option to resolve the issue would be for the government to provide financial incentives for healthcare practitioners such as grants, awards so as to provide centres that would provide education, guidance to curb the rise of drug abuses and also to establish better facilities with high-capacity drug treatment centres.

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新西兰media assignment代写 纪录片


新西兰media assignment代写 纪录片

It’s ordered as a documentary, for the most part, depends on two things: how much the story Flaherty tells so cautiously coordinates the methods for the Inuit, regardless of whether these wars are resuscitated from the past, and in transit Allakariallak, the man who plays Nanook, epitomises a soul and reasonableness that appears as much in accordance with a particular method for Inuit life similarly as with a Western origination of it. The story can be comprehended as both a conceivable portrayal of Inuit life and of Flaherty’s particular vision of it. Were documentary a generation of reality, these issues would be far less intense. We would then basically have an imitation or duplicate of something that previously existed. In any case, the documentary isn’t a propagation of reality; it is a portrayal of the world as we know it. Such films are not archived as much as expressive portrayals that might be founded on records. Documentary films represent a specific perspective of the world; one we may never have experienced regardless of whether the verifiable parts of this world are well-known to us. We judge propagation by its devotion to its ability to recreate obvious highlights accurately and to fill needs that require exact proliferation as in police mug shots, international ID photographs, or restorative X-beams. We judge a portrayal more by the idea of the joy it offers, the estimation of the understanding it gives, and the nature of the viewpoint it ingrains. In contrast, Divorce Iranian Style is an exceptionally widely praised documentary. It was announced, “Best Documentary” at the San Francisco and the Amsterdam Worldwide Film Celebrations. These awards are much merited for a film that can demonstrate a huge range of human feelings from Maryam’s desperation to Ziba’s assurance. Divorce Iranian Style demonstrates an obscure foundation in a general public that most Americans are generally new to. In any case, the material is introduced in a clear, straightforward arrangement makes the film truly available to consider and examine in any documentary film class.

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