新西兰社会学作业代写 语言和实用主义

语言和实用主义一直是一个很有趣的领域中,一些学者和语言学家已经开发他们的语言理论,然而,这些语言理论的研究并不完美,和这些理论有不同的解读来分析或者调查一些文本,对话或副本。这些语言学理论是为了理解对话或文本的语境和背景而发展起来的,帮助我们理解说话者提供了什么样的信息,听者接受了什么样的信息,说话者的意图是什么。一些语言学家发展了他们的理论来证明语言的复杂性。在这篇论文中,我将在一个叫QI(很有趣)的电视节目中关注幽默资源的开发和创造。整个转录的片段,一些语言学理论描述的文本,这就是我要分析,关注格赖斯的合作原则和不遵守他的格言,此外,我将介绍不同的解释其他语言学家如g·利兹和j·托马斯,为了证明不遵守这些格言是如何创造讽刺和幽默的资源以及这种不遵守Gricean格言在喜剧节目中产生的影响,比如很有趣。有趣的是,这部2003年开播的电视剧,由John Lloyd制作,Stephen Fry主持,直到2016年,他出来后,被Sandi Toksvig取代。节目的主要目标是获得尽可能多的分数,以获得胜利,然而,在节目中,有一些变量可以获得更多的分数,如答案的原创性或创造性。评审团的获胜者将能够参加下一场比赛。这档电视节目最重要的特点之一就是大量的幽默作家的出现,这意味着讽刺、反讽、反讽、反讽等语言元素的真正运用,赋予了这档节目很大的语言特色。这档电视节目就是一个明显的例子,说明了格赖斯的准则是如何被动摇或违背的,以及如何通过这种方式创造出喜剧电视节目。

新西兰社会学作业代写 语言和实用主义

Language and pragmatic have always been a really interesting field in which some scholars and linguists have been developed their theories about language, however, the study of these linguistic theories is not perfect, and these theories have different interpretations in order to analyse or investigate some texts, dialogues or transcriptions. These linguistic theories are developed to comprehend the contexts and the background of a conversation or a text, helping us to understand what kind of information is given by the speaker or received by the hearer, and what is the intention of the speaker. Some linguists have developed their theories in order to demonstrate the complexity of language. In this paper, I am going to focus on the development and creation of humoristic resources in one television show called QI (Quite Interesting). Throughout the transcription of this fragment, some linguistic theories are portrayed in the text, and that is what I am going to analyse, focusing on Grice’s Cooperative Principle and the Non-observance of his maxims, in addition, I am going to introduce different interpretations of other linguists such as G. Leeds or J. Thomas, in order to demonstrate how the Non-observance of these maxims creates satirical and humoristic resources and the impact that this Non-Observance of Gricean Maxims has in a comedy show like Quite Interesting. About Quite Interesting, is a TV show that started in 2003, produced by John Lloyd and presented by Stephen Fry until 2016, after he’s out, was replaced by Sandi Toksvig. The main goal of the show is getting as more points as possible in order to obtain the victory, however, in the show, there are certain variables to obtain more points, such as the originality of the answer or the creativity. The winner of the panel will be able to participate in the next show. One of the most important characteristics of this TV show is the presence of a big number of humourists, what implies a real use of language elements such as irony, rhetorical questions or sarcasm, giving to the program a big language peculiarity. This TV show is a clear example of the fluctuation or violation of Grice’s Maxims and how through this is possible to create a comedy TV show.

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