当我们留学生被布置group work之后很多同学都会花费大量时间准备陈述所需要的资料,图片,幻灯片等,但这些只能起到助力作用,殊不知还有一个关键:陈述人(presenter)。前面所有的资料和准备都是为陈述人所服务,而不是陈述人服务所准备的内容和资料。 本文小编问大家带来高分英文作业写作特辑——presentation肢体语言篇,因为如果想提高陈述能力,正确使用肢体语言是尤为关键的。
01、站姿 (Posture)
Our posture conveys a lot about our level of confidence. Good posture gives the impression of authority and confidence. A natural, straight open-body position is best. You can practice by pressing your spine against a wall. Let your arms rest in a relaxed way at your sides, so you don’t appear stiff or rigid. Remember, the audience want you to behave normally; they don’t want to see you uncomfortable or suffering, as it makes them uncomfortable too.
避免如下站姿(Avoid the following behaviors):
1) 双臂交叉放在胸前,这会让观众产生距离感。(Arms folded across your chest, which makes you appear closed, disconnected from the audience.)
2) 背手站立,这样的姿势不是十分友善。(Arms clasped behind the back, the military style, which may make you appear not very friendly.)
3) 双手叉腰,这很像责备别人的姿势。(Hands on hips, which makes you appear too matronly, like you are about to blame someone.)
4) 双手并拢,放于腰部以下。这有点像餐厅招待员的常用姿势。 (Arms down in front, folded below the waist, which may make you look like a server.)
From an open body position, your arms will be free to gesture as they would in normal conversation in order to support your words and emphasize certain points.
避免如下手势(avoid the following):
1) 双手放入口袋。这会降低观众对陈述人的信任程度,有研究表明当人们无法看到陈述人双手的时候,信任度会降低。(Putting your hands in your pockets, which makes people trust you less. Research has found that we trust others more when we can see their hands.)
2) 摆弄自己的头发或衣物。这表明陈述人十分的紧张。(Playing with your hair, or your clothing, which signals that you are nervous.)
3) 经常推自己的眼镜。 (Pushing your glasses back constantly.)
4) 把垂下来的头发移动到额头另外一侧。(Pushing your hair aside frequently with your hand or shaking your head to push aside your hair.)
5) 挠自己的脸颊,头部或是身其他部位。 (Scratching your face, head, or any other part of your body.)
6) 查看手表。可以将手表 摘下放在讲台上,在观众不经意间查看时间。(Checking your watch. Take off your watch and place it on the lectern so no one can see you are checking the time.)
7) 背对观众。如果一定书写板书,写完后立即看向观众的方向。(Facing away from the audience. If you write information on boards, make sure to finish writing and turn around immediately.)
03、移动方式(Walking Patterns)
Controlled walking can add to the effectiveness of your message. If you stay glued to one spot, you might appear inexperienced or terrified. Your movement forces the audience to refocus its attention on you and creates interest.
04、眼神交流(Maintain Eye Contact)
It will make you seem more confident, relaxed, and interesting. It also forces the audience to look back at you.
If you give presentation to small groups, look at each person in the audience for about three seconds.
In large groups, look at different sections of the audience. If you only look in one direction all the time, other sections of your audience will feel left out.
05、面部表情(Facial Expressions)
The most important thing you can do is to smile a genuine smile. It communicates confidence. It says that you know what you are doing, you are happy to be there, and you are enjoying giving this presentation (even if you’re not). Avoid a forced, or artificial smile. It will only reveal that you really don’t want to be there. You can use your eyes to communicate. In other words, use all of your face to support your words.
06、穿着适当 (Dress Appropriately)
Appearance may influence the effectiveness of your presentation. Dress the way you would like the audience to perceive you. For men, it is better to wear a suit and tie. However, if the audience is dressed casually you can always take off your tie. A dark blue shirt works with almost all skin colors. A white, or lightly striped shirt is also a good, formal choice. Similarly, women should select classic business-style clothing and avoid dressing in ways that draw attention away from the message of their presentation. They should stay away from excessive jewelry, short skirts and low necklines.
结语 (Conclusion)
尽管presentation对许多留学生来说都是比较困难的,但大家对自己非常自信。不要一味追求完美,不要怕犯错, 只要我们能尽量不犯相同的错误,在不断的练习和努力下,一定会在以后的group project当中取得更好的成绩。
Keep practising and using your body language. All the best with your presentations.