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申请MBA essay字数润色的技巧


一、be able to

“Be able to”是写作中最受欢迎的短语,但在英语中,很少有固定不变的表达,如一般现在时中的“can”和将来时中的“will”,可以用两三个词来代替。让我们看来一个例子:

1. Because of my strong communication skills,I am able to close more deals than others.(15words)

2. Because of my strong communication skills,I can close more deals than others.(13words)

3. With the founding,my business will be able to expand into new areas.(13words)

4. With the founding,my business will expand into new areas.(10words)

二、decided to

如果你在essay中提到你自己或他人做出的决定,你应该简要描述做出决定的过程,并突出最后的结果。在进行essay创作的时候,你经常会选择像“decide to”这样的短语,但是为了节省字数,你可以使用另一个动词:

1. Once I saw the contract,I decided to call my boss.(11words)

2. Once I saw the contract,I called my boss.(9words)

3. My supervisor decided to promote me first.(7words)

4. My supervisor promoted me first.(5words)

三、prior to/in advance of

在描述一篇essay中的事件顺序时,许多申请者会选择使用“before”或“in advance of”这样的短语。然而,这样的表达方式是经过深思熟虑的,会占用很多空间,所以最好使用“before”:

The club director called all the contracted sponsors in advance of the meeting.(13words)

The club director called all the contracted sponsors before the meeting.(11words)

四、despite the fact that

“despite the fact that…”英语中有很多短语可以表达相同的意思。建议考虑用“even though”替换它们。

1. I was excluded from the promotion despite the fact that I had spent more hours to the project.(18words)

2. I was excluded from the promotion even though I had spent more hours to the project.(16words)

五、in order to/in order for

事实上,在表达目的上下文中,“”in order”一词对相关事件的结果没有实质性意义。不如直接使用“to”或“for”来代替,这样更简洁,也更符合习惯。

1. I had to get up three hours early in order to get to the office on time.(17words)

2. I had to get up three hours early to get to the office on time.(15words)

3. I knew that in order for my team to stay on budget,I needed to find a better distributor.(19words)

4. I knew that for my team to stay on budget,I needed to find a better distributor.(17words)

以上就是关于MBA essay润色的中替换词语的小技巧了,希望对大家有所帮助,如果你仍然对润色没有把握,那么请扫描右侧二维码与我们接待客服取得联系,我们新西兰MBA论文代写网,竭诚为您提供关于论文代写、润色方面的一切服务。