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新西兰论文代写分享Rhetorical analysis怎么写?

所谓Rhetorical analysis,其实就是修辞分析,这类作业最近在国外院校流行起来了。对于Rhetorical analysis,导师一般会要求大家去分析特定的书籍或一些原创作品的修辞手法之后来进行书写,那么Rhetorical analysis该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。


在进行修辞分析论文的撰写时,我们需要提出相关的问题,通常是当你已经完全阅读并理解某个作品时,才可以问这些问题。这些问题的答案将构成rhetorical analysis的论点,当然,我们无需分析作品中的最小问题,你只需要关注那些你认为直接对作品的成功负有主要影响的要素即可。



1. the background in which the author had written it.

2. the reasons why the author wrote it.

3. the aim of the work.

4. the author’s intention.

在修辞分析的大背景下, 说服方式就是修辞诉求的关键,由于撰写者使用多种方法说服读者,因此了解其作品相关的修辞诉求将有助于你发现作者如何使用它们来影响作品最终结果的.

1. Does he wish to persuade, to enlighten, to teach, or just to narrate?

2. Whatever your answer is, do you think the writer can be trusted?

3. Evaluate the language in which the work is written? Does it change your perception of the writer?

4. Does he have enough knowledge or background about the subject?

5. Does he make an effort to discuss other points of view?

6. Pathos means appeal to emotion. Ask these questions:

7. What kind of audience does the author want?

8. Does the author succeed in making the reader emotional? If yes, in what manner?

9. Does the author assume about the characteristics, knowledge, and background of the readers?

10. Logos is the appeal to logic.

11. Does the author do a good job in interconnecting the points of the work’s message?

12. Does he have enough material to support his arguments? If yes, what kind of material is used?

13. Is the author’s main argument in line with the effectiveness of the text?

14. Kairos refers to the work’s appeal to timeliness.

15. Does the year of the work’s publication and the events of the time play a positive or a negative factor in the work’s success? best essay writing service on www.lxws.net

16. Does the work reflect people’s attitudes towards the issue during that particular time?


1.The topic
论文的topic绝不应成为rhetorical analysis的重点,rhetorical analysis讨论HOW而不是WHAT。如前所述,这只有在你阅读并理解了本作品的情况下才有可能。对作者如何说服读者的理解将使你有可能提出自己的论据并发现其他评论者发表的论点中的缺陷。

introduction的最后两句话应包含thesis statement.你必须观察并概述作者的修辞策略。最好是简短的总结,以便不熟悉此论文的读者也可以理解。

3. Thesis statement
例:“Through the use of struggles of immigrant Italians against the excesses of organized crime, Mario Puzo’s argument about the importance of loyalty and familial ties within the early 20th century Italian-American community possesses validity.”

4. Body

5. Conclusion

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