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新西兰教育学作业代写 标准化考试


新西兰教育学作业代写 标准化考试

From the outside looking in, parents play a big role in recognizing the negative effects that come along with standardized testing. Parents often look at testing as a way to create school rankings, rather than portraying their child’s originality. These tests are seen as a just a “one-size-fits-all” assessment by parents, allowing them to see their child’s progress and areas of improvement, but not actually portraying their achievement (Bermudez). In a study performed by the Education Post, the results from the question “Are standardized tests fair?” came back with answers almost divided completely in half with some leaning towards yes and some leaning towards no. Overall though, forty nine percent of parents decided that their children are being required to take too many tests, ultimately taking away from other things that go on in their daily lives (Camera). Students often bring home the stress that is put on them at school, thus causing their parents additional issues to handle. They see first-hand how overwhelmed their children are, usually causing more pressure to be put on them to help their child succeed. This pressure often puts further stress not only on the children, but on the other members of the family as well.On the other hand, there are many people, particularly school and government officials, that believe standardized testing is a positive thing. The biggest reason behind this belief is that standardized tests are a measure of effectiveness (Phelps). Teachers can see which areas their students struggle in, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses, parents can determine the quality of education their child is receiving, and school leaders can determine which subjects need more attention, all based off of the overall scores made. One of the biggest advocates of standardized testing is the No Child Left Behind act written under the leadership of George W. Bush in the year 2002. The act ultimately holds schools accountable for student learning outcomes through the use of adequate yearly progress. When forming the act, the idea behind it was that progress from state to state could easily be compared. There was a level playing field for everyone, allowing a fair assessment of student success from all over the United States. It also was a promise made to close the long-standing achievement gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students in the United States by using the results from standardized testing