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新西兰宗教学作业代写 清教徒

如前所述,清教徒的宗教信仰围绕着上帝的善良和魔鬼的邪恶。塞勒姆明斯特牧师Deodat Lawson这样描述魔鬼:“不知疲倦且毫不妥协,他会不择手段地实现自己的目标。”撒旦的超能力使他可以直接攻击人,也可以通过内爆一些人类或其他生物来攻击人。不管神如何控制,魔鬼仍然有能力控制人类,因为人类对他的诱惑很脆弱。魔鬼与罪联系在一起,任何带来幸福或快乐的东西都被视为向他屈服。他们的目标是过一种没有罪恶的纯洁生活,“那些被指控为女巫的人会激发出与自由、多样性、性和敌意相关的情感,这些情感是清教徒竭力压制的。”这源于一种说法,据说女巫将自己的灵魂卖给了撒旦,并在他的书中写道,以换取魔法和力量。劳森指出,”与女巫订立契约,他们将成为他秘密影响和折磨他人身心的工具”魔鬼有能力把自己伪装成女巫的样子。巫术违背了清教的所有习俗任何被指控为女巫的人都会受到神的惩罚也就是上帝的愤怒。人们相信女巫会施白魔法和黑魔法。白色魔法更多的是基于预言未来或通过不同的物品获得好运,而黑色魔法的目的是为了伤害或谋杀。白色魔法似乎是无害的,是青少年无聊的流行联想,尽管这仍然是被认为是女巫的理由,因为魔法来自魔鬼。

新西兰宗教学作业代写 清教徒

As mentioned before, the Puritan religion revolves around the good nature of God and the wickedness of the Devil. Reverend Deodat Lawson, a minster of Salem, describes the Devil as “both indefatigable and implacable, would use whatever means he could to advance his aims. Satan’s extraordinary powers allowed him to attack people either directly or by imploying some of mankind or other creatures”.[3] Regardless of Gods control, the Devil still had the ability to control people as they were weak to his temptations. The Devil was associated with sin and anything that brought happiness or pleasure was viewed as giving into him. It was their goal to live a pure life free from sin and, “those accused of being witches elicited feelings linked with freedom, diversity, sexuality and hostility, feelings the Puritans were at great pains to suppress”.This stems from the idea that witches were said to sell their souls to Satan and write in his book for the exchange for magic and powers. Lawson states that, “Contracting with witches they shall be the instruments by whom he may secretly affect and afflict the bodies and minds of others”.The Devil had the ability to take masks himself within a person in the form of a witch. Witchcraft went against all practices within the Puritan’s religion and any individual who was accused of being a witch was subjected to divine punishment which was also known as God’s wrath. Witches were believed to have practiced white and black magic. White magic was based more on telling the future or receiving good luck through different items, and black magic was used with the intentions of harm or murder. White magic seemed to be harmless and was a popular association with teenage boredom although this was still grounds for being considered a witch as magic came from the devil.

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