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新西兰法律作业代写 儿童权利

儿童同意的权利。首先,孩子们有权利作出决定,如果他们有合适的能力,这是适用于某些情况下,可能会咨询到[8]治疗。接下来是Glick权限,法律不清楚医生在没有父母同意的情况下是否可以采取行动,在这种情况下,医生在没有父母同意的情况下承担责任。然而,在Gillick这样v西诺福克和Wisbech啊哈1986[10]这里夫人Gillick这样的事实是五个孩子的母亲写信给卫生当局没有她的孩子收到任何医疗或建议然而卫生当局拒绝,她寻求上诉法庭的声明,声明批准大多数3:2,上诉由国土安全部的家主[11]。弗雷泽勋爵确定了5种情况,在这种情况下,一个16岁以下的人寻求治疗或医疗建议,不需要他/她的父母的批准。第一种情况是,女孩是否有能力理解医生的建议,第二个情况是医生正试图说服她/他的父母同意医疗建议,但他们拒绝了第三种情况是”人将继续性交有或没有避孕治疗”第四个情况是她/他的精神或身体的痛苦状态是处于危险之中最后的情况是医生必须给孩子一个治疗孩子的最佳利益[12]。Gillick的案例表明,孩子同意接受治疗并不是不可能的,他们有权利拒绝接受治疗,孩子必须理解医生的建议,或者充分理解这是在NHS信托v a[13]的情况下确立的。在紧急情况下,孩子们会被允许拒绝治疗根据Gillick权限?

新西兰法律作业代写 儿童权利

Children’s right to consent. first the children’s have a right to contribute on the decision if they have the right capacity, this is applied in some situations and might be consulted to a treatment[8]. We move on to the Glick competence the law was not clear for doctors to act without the parent’s consent[9], where the doctor will be liable without the consent of the parents. However, after the case of Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA 1986[10] the facts of this case Mrs Gillick were the mother of five children wrote to the health authority that none of her children receives any medical treatment or advice however the health authority refused, she sought a declaration from the court of appeal the declaration was approved by a majority of 3:2, the appeal made by the DHSS’s to the house of lord[11]. Lord Fraser has established 5 situations in which a person under 16 years old seeking a treatment or a medical advice won’t require his/her parent’s approval the first situation is whether the girl has capacity to understand the doctor’s advice or not, the second situation is the doctor is trying to persuade her/his parents to consent for the medical advice but they refuse the third situation is “the person will continue having sexual intercourse with or without the contraceptive treatment” the fourth situation is the suffering of her/his mental or physical state is in jeopardy the final situation is the doctor must give the child a medical treatment for the child’s best interest[12]. The Gillick case has shown that it is not impossible for a child to consent on the medical treatment and they have the right to refuse a medical treatment, children must understand the Doctors advice or sufficiently understand this was established in the case of An NHS Trust v A[13]. What about in case of an emergency are children will be allowed to refuse a medical treatment according to the Gillick competence?

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